BAL-DOM brand
Malta India is a non-alcoholic, low sodium, delicious malt beverage that is both refreshing and nutritious from Puerto Rico which is said to give you energy. It is a carbonated malt beverage also called kids beer, wheat soda or young beer. Malta is sometimes known as black brewed beer because of its distinctive dark color. Malta India like beer is brewed from hops, the choicest barley and water; caramel color and corn can also be added. Since Malta India is a non-alcoholic beverage it is consumed like cola or soda in its original form, meaning it is a beer, but that has not been fermented and unlike beer, ice gets added to it. Malta India is similar in color to stout because of its dark brown color. Malta India is very sweet carbonated soda that is very thick and very dark in color, with a strong earthy, malted barley taste, with a molasses like flavor.
Malta India has been a staple product for the Puerto Rican community for decades. This product brings a nostalgic sense to the consumer from the looks of the bottle to the last drop. Here at Roma Food Group, we carry the whole line of products that Malta India has to offer. From its Boricua origins to the United Stated mainland, Malta India is here to stay. Contact us for prices and information on the product!